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Executive leadership assessment to predict performance, potential and fit to your context

Make the right leadership hiring and promotion decisions

Identifying the right senior leaders to take your organisation forward and thrive in your culture can be the difference between success and failure. Given the increasingly complex and ever-changing world leaders need to operate in, past performance is no longer enough to predict who will fit into your organisation and succeed.

Our executive leadership assessments help mitigate the risk in senior-level selection or promotion of high-potential leaders enabling you to confidently make evidence-based decisions about where you place your talent.

Improve the success of leadership appointments

The wrong recruitment decision can be costly, and the impacts are widespread throughout the organisation – it is estimated that up to 70% of executives fail in the first 18 months and the cost of a poor leadership hire has been projected to be 3-10 times their base salary. Executive assessments using well-validated psychometrics and in-depth biographical interviews, provide you with the confidence and clarity needed to make data-driven talent decisions.

Using the best-in-class psychometrics and diagnostics (including NEO, HUCAMA Factors, the Hogan suite and 360 feedback, if relevant for internal processes), our experienced business psychologists provide an impartial view on your candidates and get beneath the surface to reveal insights that are not readily apparent during standard interviews, or on paper. This is why psychometric profiling is such an integral and critical part of any senior-level selection process. Our assessments also enable your recruits to harness their strengths and know where best to prioritise their development to successfully transition into their new role.

Our executive leadership assessments enable you to:

  • Gain a holistic and benchmarked assessment of leaders’ personality tendencies, motivations, impact, strengths and key derailers.
  • Enhance your key talent decisions with an impartial perspective from our experienced business psychologists.
  • Remove the guesswork in your final interviews by using evidence-based insight to inform where to further probe your candidates.
  • Objectively assess your internal talent to build your pipeline of future leaders able to step into business-critical roles.
  • Equip your leaders to harness their strengths, unlock potential and prioritise their development where it is most needed (along with optional coaching support).

Find out how we can support your leadership assessment processes for selection and development


How we assess your future leaders

From the outset we seek to understand your organisational context, culture and objectives to help inform the focus of the assessment.

We then provide assessments either against the world-renowned Primary Colours® Leadership Model, our proprietary framework taught at the top executive business schools such as Oxford University’s Saïd, Henley, Kings and Alliance Manchester, or we can assess against your specific talent framework or tailor our approach to suit your needs.

Our proven methodology is based on assessing the critical tasks that all leaders must do, which helps them to make sense of and effectively tackle the leadership challenges they face. Another important contention within our approach is that it is very rare to find individual leaders who excel in all three domains and all eight tasks. As such, our assessments are designed to identify leaders’ most/least natural areas of strength and to identify or build complementary strengths within leadership teams.

We provide tiered levels of service depending on how thorough you would like the process to be, or to align to different parts of your pipeline – ‘in-depth’, ‘standard’ and ‘summary’. All options are based on robust and objective leadership assessment tools. The difference between them is the depth of the assessment process allowing you to tailor the package to the level of insight and support you need.


Talk to us

Finding the right senior leaders to recruit or promote is a complex and challenging process. Executive assessment enables organisations to have a more in-depth and holistic view of their candidates, which considers fit to their context and their potential to meet future challenges. This facilitates better informed decision-making about who to place into critical leadership positions.

Rather than seeing executive assessment as just a risk mitigation tool, it also enables the organisation to intentionally plan the onboarding process to bridge any gaps and to give them the right platform to flourish.

Get in touch to find out how we can support your senior-level or high-potential assessment processes.

Speak to us: 0117 332 8255

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